Social Media Ventures Ltd is in marketing through Social media campaigns and contributes unique content to the follower base. Our team is composed of dedicated Social media enthusiasts well known chiefly on Twitter and other platforms. We are a TEAM  of passionate marketers committed to the success of our clients


After years of personal and professional experience of our team members, we founded Social Media Ventures to help individuals and teams make their business dreams a reality. with our marketing model, you’ll unearth renewed confidence and tactics to help your business thrive

We’re passionate about helping you grow and make an impact.

Bring your ideas to life

Bring your ideas to life

Remember those amazing ideas locked up inside your mind? Make them real with SM Ventures

Sell your vision to others

Sell your Vision to others

The time you decided to start, was the time you would have started branding yourself with confidence. SM Ventures will help you sell your vision to others.

Expand your business

Expand your business

Breakthrough walls to turn your small working business into an empire with SM Ventures


Rwanda Cooling

R-COOL GO is a consumer finance product designed to meet the financing needs of salaried employees of public and private institutions interested in a new refrigerator or air conditioner. The first step in the process is for local financial institutions (LFIs) to enter into consumer finance agreements with technology providers and set up credit facilities.

Eagles Capacity Builing Center

We are a Rwandan Capacity Building Centre with certified team that implements and transfers technological tools and innovative programs for comprehensive talent management, wellbeing and mental health. Eagles Capacity Building Centre’s strength and global outlook drives original and provocative wellbeing and business thinking.